Qualification Number 60162697
Guided Learning Hours 191
Who is this qualification for?
This level 3 certificate is for those whose job role is in Working in End of Life Care, and will give learners the ability to develop their skills and knowledge and demonstrate their competence
What are the entry requirements?
There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification.
How is this qualification structured?
The qualification is made up of five main mandatory units:
- A/503/8135 Understand Advance Care Planning
- D/503/8645 Supporting individuals with loss and grief before death
- T/601/8282 Support Individuals With Specific Communication Needs
- Y/503/8644 Managing symptoms in end of life care
- Y/503/8689 Understand how to provide support when working in end of life care
How is it assessed?
This qualification is assessed via an internally assessed and externally verified portfolio of evidence.
Funding for our qualifications
This qualification is available via a learner loan.